Find Us
All information listed below to help you get safely to AND FROM SRAID EOIN hOUSE b&b
Plus Code: 4PRM+4F Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland
Eire Code: V92P89C
John Street, Dingle, Co Kerry
V92 P89C
How to Find US
Where is Sraid Eoin House located in Dingle?
Sraid Eoin is located right in the heart of Dingle town.
On entering Dingle on the N86 take the second exit (right) on the first round about and then left at the next junction and proceed to the bottom of John Street where we are located on your right.
Is parking available?
Yes, parking is free all year round on the Bed & Breakfast side of John Street. If you are looking directly up the street that means to your left hand side of the road.
Closest international airports to Dingle town?
Kerry airport: One hour
Shannon and Cork airport: Two hours
Dublin airport: Four hours
What time is check-in / check-out?
Check-in time is anytime after 2pm when we will have all our traditional rooms, ready and available to our customers.
Check-out time is anytime before 11am on your departure date.